Monday, January 10, 2011

Price of Immortality

Vabade kohtade arv: 0

Price of Immortality toimub Pathfinderi maailmas "Golarionis". Kampaania jaguneb kolmeks seikluseks. Crypt of the Everflame, Masks of the Living God ja City of Golden Death. (Otse loomulikult on kõigil mängijatel nende raamatute lugemine ja igasugune tutvumine materjaliga keelatud!)

Kasutamiseks on Pathfinder core rulebook ja advanced players guide. Homeruled pole kasutusel.
Piiranguteks niipalju, et party peab sisaldama vähemalt ühte clericut. Samuti ei tohi kellegi alignment olla Evil. Soojaks soovituseks on luua tasakaalustatud party. Kampaania sisaldab raskeid combateid, kui ka teatavat intriigimängu.

Tegelase loomine
Tegelase lvl on 1 ja kasutada võib kõiki base ja core classe.(Samuti ka kõiki core race)
Tegelane tuleb minu kätte toimetada vähemalt 3 päeva enne mängu.
Selleks saada kohe mulle meil! (kuujapuu[at] Vastuseks saad .xls faili, mis on mõeldud tegelased tegemiseks.(Siinkohad minu tänud Ilmarile, kes selle valmis meisterdas)
Koos .xls failiga, peab minuni ka jõudma roll. Roll koosneb umbes 100-300sõnast. (Tegelased ei pea varasemast üksteist teadma.)

Abiks rollikirjutamisel!
Mäng toimub Golarioni maailmas, selle kohta võib veidi googeldada, nagu jumalused ja muu selline.
Mäng algab Nirmathases väikeses Kasseni nimelises külas. Kõik PC-d peavad olema külaga kuidagi lähedalt seotud. Soovitatavalt seal elama. Kui tegelane on külas elanud ja valib core classi, siis saab ta ka külast endale mentori, kes on teda varasemalt õpetanud. Teavita mind sellest kindlasti, et saaksin sulle sinu mentorist rääkida.
Mäng algab 2 päeva enne Igavese tule rännakut. Igavese tule rännak toimub neljandal Nethil. Koos talviste tuulte saabumisega. Sellel päeval (4535aastal) läks Ekat Kassen oma meestega Asari laagrisse, et nende väed purustada. Seda sündmust tähistatud igal aastal.(Viimased neli aastat pole see toimunud) Igavese tule rännak näeb ette, et Kasseni hauakambrist, kus põleb igavene tuli tuuakse see laternaga talveks linna. Tuli näitab linna tugevust ja vastupidavust. Tavaliselt toovad tule linna linnapea koos oma kaaskonnaga. Iga mõne aasta järel aga saab selle au grupp noori. Inimesed näevad seda, kui täiskasvanuks saamist või viimast seiklust enne pere loomist. Olles tule linna toonud tähistatakse ka viimast lõikust enne pikka talve.


Riik: Nirmathas [NEAR-math-ehs]
Populatsioon: 750
Rahvad: 93% human, 3%halfling, 2%half-orc, 1%elf, 1% half-elf
Alignment: CG
Juht: Jonark Uptal

Asub Tourondel Riveri kõrval Fang Woodis.
Kassen is a small town ruled by a fair, but mildly grim man. While most of the “townsfolk” actually live in small homes or camps in the woods and fields surrounding Kassen proper, the town is quite tight-knit. As with most of the folk in they stand up for one another and refuse to be pushed around. "

Kassenis asuvad põhilised ehitised ja nende tutvustus:

1. Seven Silvers: Most visitors to Kassen end up at this comfortable two-story inn and tavern. Run by Trelvar Silvers, this inn features modest prices (4 sp/night), decent food (3 sp/day), and a lively taproom. Trelvar is assisted by his daughter, Asina, and the overly friendly Jimes “Short Change” Iggins, who is known for giving himself generous tips.

2. Greathall: Typically used for meetings, weddings, and other celebrations, the Greathall is a tall, three-story wooden structure near the center of town. Inside is one grand space with a number of smaller rooms on each floor. The celebration for the successful heroes occurs here upon their return.

3. Woodcutter’s Guildhall: Kassen’s primary export is lumber taken from the surrounding Fangwood. While many of these logs are taken right down the Tourondel River to Lake Encarthan, the woodcutters require that all logs bear the stamp of the guildhall, which of course requires a small fee. As a result, the woodcutter’s guild is one of the more powerful groups in town, under the firm hand of the ever-opportunistic Colbin Vetnar.

4. Temple of Erastil: The only stone building in town is home to Kassen’s only temple. While the church is officially dedicated to Erastil, there are a number of faiths practiced here, including Gozreh, Gorum, Shelyn, and Torag. Father Prasst is the only priest, but most in town refer to him as the “High Priest.”

5. Town Watch Headquarters: Guard Captain Wisslo spends most of his time in this building or patrolling the streets of Kassen. While the guardsmen are mostly relaxed in their duties, they become an elective force if there is trouble in town.

6. Renet’s Steel: While Renet’s shop services much of the town’s needs when it comes to metalworks, his quality is nowhere near that of Braggar’s. Most metal items can be found here for the standard prices, but there are no masterwork items to be found at Renet’s Steel.

7. Arnama’s Home: This is the home of Arnama Lastrid, one of the few rangers who lives in Kassen. Mayor Uptal, who trusts the ranger’s instincts implicitly, frequently calls Arnama to the town council to report and advise.

8. Sir Dramott’s Home: This is the home of Sir Dramott, a knight from Lastwall who keeps watch on the town.

9. Braggar’s Shop: This is the workshop and home of Braggar Ironhame, a dwarven blacksmith. Braggar’s works exceed those of Renet’s Steel, but he works much slower and charges a higher price. Braggar can forge nearly any masterwork metal tool, weapon, or armor.

10. Vargidan Estate: This is the home of the eccentric Vargidan family, and has a bit of a spooky reputation in town.

11. Holgast’s Tower: Holgast’s slightly crooked tower stands at the edge of town.

12. Mayor Uptal’s Home: This modest building along the water is the home of Mayor Uptal, who can frequently be found in the Greathall holding meetings or on his small boat in the river, fishing.

13. Ilimara’s Home: This is the home of Ilimara Oniri, the mysterious woman from Qadira.

Linnale tähtsad inimesed:

Mayer Uptal elected mayor of Kassen
Colbin Vetnar
woodcutter guildmaster
Gregor Wisslo
fighter mentor and captain of the guard
Holgast town sage
Rantal Prasst

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