Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Kogunemine 11.15-11.30
Rova 06 4711 A.R.

Canterwall  is  a  fertile  region,  watered  by  the  Vistear river  and  checkered  by  fields  and  farms.  While  wolves and  foxes  endlessly  torment  farmers,  the  land’s  greatest annoyances come on black wings—vast flocks of obstinate ravens,  seasonally  swarming  locusts, cicadas, and earwigs wreaking arbitrary destruction. A balance between  lightly wooded  plains  and  bleak  moors  covers  the  region,  all cloaked by dense  fog  that rolls  into  the  lowlands  from  the southern mountains. Locals spread a host of warnings and superstitions about these mists, some old folks refusing to venture outdoors  in  fog without a  symbol of Pharasma  to keep at bay the spirits lost within, while others swear whole
towns  sometimes  go  missing  in  the  mists,  losing  their connection to the world and vanishing forever in the haze.


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